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Medical Alert Systems > Delaware Medical Alert Systems and Senior Resources in Delaware

Delaware might only have fewer than 150,000 seniors in the state, but they make up nearly 15% of the total population, putting that in the top 10 in the nation. That number has also jumped by almost 31% since 2000, also in the top 10 among the rest of the states.

So seniors are a very important concern to the state. The Delaware Division of Services for Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities (DSAAPD) “advocates for, provides access to, and coordinates long-term services and supports in the most appropriate setting.”

Those programs include:
-- Adult Day Services: Programs for seniors with physical and/or mental disabilities when their caregivers are away at work during the day.
-- Adult Foster Care: Placement of a senior into a family home who can no longer live of their own.
-- Adult Protective Services: Responding to reports of abuse, neglect or exploitation of seniors.
-- Alzheimer’s Day Treatment: Non-residential day programs for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia-related diseases.
-- Assistive Devices: Such items as shower seats, wheelchairs and specialized computers to help seniors live a better life.
-- Attendant Services: Help for seniors so they can remain in their own homes rather than moving to a long-term care facility.
-- Congregate Meals: Meals served in a group setting at a community center or a senior facility.
-- Delaware Kinship Navigator Program: Assistance for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren.
-- Delaware Money Management Program: Helping low-income seniors with budgeting and bill paying.
-- Home Delivered Meals: Meals delivered directly to the homes of frail seniors.
-- Housekeeping Services: Helping seniors with such household activities as shopping, meal preparation, light housekeeping and laundry.
-- Legal Services: Help with such legal issues that a senior might face.
-- Medical Transportation: Getting seniors to and from medical appointments.
-- Nursing Home Transition Program: Transitioning seniors from nursing homes back into the community.

Delaware does have a program to supply medical alert systems to “at-risk frail elderly or adults with physical disabilities who live alone or who are alone a good portion of the day.” The state and the federal government provide funding.

Not every senior in Delaware will qualify for this, but that does not mean they should not use their own money to get a medical alert system. Such a system could save your life in the event of an emergency. Not getting it for free is not a good enough reason not to get one.

Shopping for a medical alert system can be confusing; every company looks like it offers the same services as its competitors. But actually, there is quite a difference between providers. Cost, equipment and options all vary.

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