Rescue Alert Review
- Starting Price at $21.95/mo
Rescue Alert is a unique medical alarm company that lets you purchase the medical alert device, and they are a good option for security and safety among senior citizens.
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When a medical alert company tells you its equipment is free, it is only telling you half the story. Yes, you are not paying for equipment, but built into your monthly monitoring charge is a rental fee for your “free” equipment. Most companies do not let you buy the equipment outright in exchange for dropping the rental fee. But at least one does – Rescue Alert.
Under Rescue Alert’s equipment purchase option, you can buy everything for $199 and save anywhere from $9 to $17 per month, depending on which plan you choose. If you plan on having a medical alert system for quite a while, this could be an excellent option for you.
Another interesting option Rescue Alert offers is a 911 cell phone. The small device allows you to call 911 when you are away from your home with just the press of a button, using standard cell service. This is perfect for seniors who never understood cell phones and never acquired one. This is a bit pricey -- $149. But if you do not have a cell phone, this could give you the peace of mind that if you run into any kind of trouble while you are out, you can always reach 911. Here are some other pros and cons of choosing Rescue Alert:
Final Review About Rescue Alert
Overall Rescue Alert is a solid company, a trusted name in the medical alert business for more than two decades. It is definitely worth considering Rescue Alert while shopping for a medical alert system.
The Pros ( + )
- Its monitors are all Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) certified, the same type of training 911 operators get. They are certified in CPR and are trained to recognize the symptoms of most ailments. Some companies do not require this level of training for its monitors.
- Rescue Alert owns its own monitoring center. Several companies outsource this crucial aspect of the service.
- Rescue Alert also makes its own equipment, so the company is with you every step of the way.
- The firm has been in business for 22 years, so it has a track record for reliability. Also, its primary business is medical alert, so it is focused on that rather than burglar, fire or other types of protection.
- Rescue Alert automatically tests your system monthly to make sure it is working properly. Not many companies do that.
- Not only will the system work with a traditional landline, it will also work with Internet-based telephones, such as Vonage or one you would get from your cable company. Most systems require a traditional phone from a telephone company, which is quickly becoming a relic of the past.
- There are no activation or set-up fees to install the rescue help alert product, for which some companies do charge.
- Rescue Alert boasts a response time of 25 seconds.
- The range on the base unit is 600 feet, which is very good. Some companies offer a range of as little as 250 feet.
- Rescue Alert offers tiered pricing which gives you a discount if you sign up for three months or a year. You can get a refund if you cancel early.
- Prices are in line with the rest of the medical alarm providers. Check the latest offers for rescue alert on their online website.
The Cons ( - )
- If you do sign up for the quarterly or annual plan and you want to cancel, a $25 cancellation fee will be deducted from your refund. Other companies do not charge this and offer a full refund.
- If you want a spouse monitored as well, the monitoring is free but you have to purchase a second alert button. Some companies give you the second button for free.
- Rescue Alert offers a host of other options, but each one costs extra per month, and a complete package could become prohibitively expensive. However, it is good that these options are even offered at all.
- The company only has one monitoring center. Most companies have more than one, so if it goes down for some reason, there is a backup.
Reviewed by Mark Berman at Medical Alert Comparison