Walk Your Way to Better Health
Lori is a 68-year-old woman living with her 72-year-old husband John in the home they’ve owned for the last 32 years. Both decided they wanted to start a walking program but were a bit worried about their physical abilities. Their friend Ellen had recently fallen while walking to the mailbox and had broken her leg. Ellen was unable to move until a neighbor found her two hours later and called for help. Not surprisingly, Lori and John were hesitant to start an exercise program.
Fortunately, their daughter told them about an emergency alert system they could easily carry with them while walking that could summon help if either one had any kind of health emergency.
Now Lori and John have been more active than they have been in years, thanks to this modern technology. Lori is especially happy since her increased walking has resulted in weight loss and lowered her blood pressure. Many seniors are discovering the value of a simple walking program. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), physical activity is one of the best prescriptions for health, and walking is arguably the easiest.
How the System Works
A basic unit is installed in the home using a landline or cellular connection. An emergency call button is embedded in a necklace, pendant, or a bracelet and connects wirelessly to the unit. If you should fall, suffer a heart attack, have a seizure, get burned, or have any emergency, a simple push of the button connects you immediately to a live trained operator, who can have a two-way conversation with you via speakers and microphones in the system. The operator will summon emergency help if needed, and/or contact designated neighbors or relatives.
Some of these systems are more advanced and can be activated while away from home. A small device that fits in a pocket operates the same way the pendant or bracelet does for summoning help.
Simple Technology Helps Seniors Start Walking More
Many seniors report that the peace of mind they get from their emergency alert system was the key to starting a walking program and gaining better health. While falls are the most common accidents among folks 65 years or older, regular exercise can go a long way toward preventing them too. Walking can also lower high cholesterol, strengthen the heart, help alleviate back pain, and strengthen bones and muscles. It’s simple and requires no special equipment or training.
It’s best to always check with your doctor first to make sure you are healthy enough to walk for exercise.
Increase Your Quality of Life
Now you can have peace of mind while improving your health by simply installing an emergency alert system in your home. You can review the various systems and their different features to find which one works best for you.
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