senior issues Archive

Personal Alarm Systems for Seniors
For decades now people have relied on personal alarm systems to keep them safe and to give them the peace of mind that if something does happen, they are not really alone. But there

Home Health Monitoring for Seniors
There comes a point in the life of virtually every senior when they need some help. Perhaps they do not need to move to a long-term care facility, but they can no longer be

More Safety Devices for Elderly
We have written before about safety devices for elderly folk. Well, there are so many things you can do to keep yourself safer that we need another article to give more information! In our

Beware Medical Alert Scams
It is no secret that elderly people are susceptible to being victims. After all, sometimes they are not in possession of all of their faculties and can easily be duped. Unscrupulous criminals know this

Elderly Help: Exercise Programs
Many people think exercise is for the young; after all, you do not see many seniors out jogging. But exercise is very important for seniors as well, but some do not know how to

Medical Alert System for Senior Abuse?
The abuse of seniors is a very serious issue and one that often goes unreported — by both the media and the senior who is being victimized. Action must be taken to stop this

Elderly Home Monitoring
Almost everyone involved in senior care — from health care professionals to family members to the seniors themselves — have the same goal. And that is for the senior to remain in their own

Smartphone Apps for Senior Help
Technology is seen as a young person’s milieu, but that is just a myth. It is estimated that 25% of all seniors own a smartphone. By 2017 that number is expected to jump to

Elderly Service: Long-Term Care Ombudsman
Often times seniors are without a figurative voice; there is no one to speak out on their behalf when they need help. That could leave seniors wallowing in poor conditions or vulnerable to abuse.

Elderly Monitoring Care: Common Senior Health Issues
While every person is vastly different, we all share certain vulnerabilities that are common to us all. For seniors, they are all susceptible to similar health woes that could require elderly monitoring care. Cardiovascular disease