senior issues Archive

Keep on Reading to Keep Your Mind Healthy
Reading can be a skill, a hobby, a profession, or a passion. There are books, magazines, and journals to meet every taste and preference. Reading can transport you to different places and times and

Medical Alert Scam Shut Down
The Federal Trade Commission and the Florida Attorney General have shut down a medical alert scam that preyed on senior citizens. It is yet another example proving that all people, especially the elderly, have

Keeping an Aging Nation Safe
As medical technologies advance, people are living longer lives. This is nothing new; it has been happening for centuries now. But in our day and age, people who are in pretty bad shape are

Too Old to Buy Life Insurance?
In a perfect world everyone would buy life insurance when they are young. However, sometimes money is tight and cannot be spent on something that will only pay off when you are dead. Perhaps

Pennsylvania Medical Alert
An estimated 15% of all of the residents of Pennsylvania are over the age of 65. That is one of the highest ratios in the nation. So it is no surprise that Pennsylvania medical alert

Nevada Medical Alert
Whether it is the heat or plentiful golf courses or legal gambling, seniors are flocking to Nevada. The number of residents age 65 or older has skyrocketed 53% since 2000. While services are available,

Florida Medical Alert
When you think senior citizens, it is only natural to think of Florida. After all, how often do you hear, “I am retiring to Florida”? An astonishing 17.6% of the state’s population is over

California Medical Alert
More seniors live in California than in any other state in the nation. By last count it was 4.4 million people over the age of 65 — 10% of the state’s entire population. While

New York Medical Alert
New York has one of the largest senior populations in the United States, which presents a problem for state officials as well as seniors. There is a great demand for senior services, and there

Senior Housing Concerns
Most people go through life not concerned about where they will live. They move from house to house, apartment to apartment, without really worrying about anything. However, senior housing is a huge issue. The