medical alert system Archive

Senior Care: A Medical Alert System for Safe Independent Living
There is no question that assisted living facilities can provide some protection for seniors. Someone is available in the event of an emergency to help ensure that an older person who becomes ill or

Best Cell Phone Plans for Seniors
A study by the Pew Research Center finds 78% of people over the age of 65 have a cell phone. Just 30% of seniors have smartphones; after all, they are not busy swiping left

Medical Alert App for Apple
Medical Alert App for Apple Diabetes helpers developed a new app for Apple watch and phone. Alert by HelpAround works as a medical alert app. It is a lifeline for seniors. Once activated the

Peaceful Mind With Medical Alert
Medical Alert System Latham, New York– Anne decided to invest in a medical alert system after her traumatic fall. On a cold early winter morning Anne Tetrault was walking her dogs. The sidewalks were

Emergency Alert for Aging Parents
Emergency Alert for Aging Parents Emergency Alert systems today are essential for the needs of your aging parents. Alert systems are beneficial for many aspects. elders try hard to be more and more independent.

Medical Alert Device Saves Life
Medical Alert Device Saves a Life Decatur, Illinois- November 2, 2015 At 2:45 AM two men broke into the house of a 53 year old woman. Her daughter was sleeping on the couch when

PERS offering more
Personal Emergency Response System PERS – Personal Emergency Response systems are offering more features with the monthly subscription. The system now offers gps tracking and a fall detection feature. The pendants are now equipped

More People Getting Medical Alert Systems
If you are among many of your friends who has a medical alert system or is thinking about getting one, you are not alone. The medical alert business is growing by leaps and bounds.

Medical Alert Scam Shut Down
The Federal Trade Commission and the Florida Attorney General have shut down a medical alert scam that preyed on senior citizens. It is yet another example proving that all people, especially the elderly, have

Keeping an Aging Nation Safe
As medical technologies advance, people are living longer lives. This is nothing new; it has been happening for centuries now. But in our day and age, people who are in pretty bad shape are