emergency call button Archive

Best Medical Alert Wearable Buttons
Medical alert buttons make life easy by helping you connect with emergency assistance as quickly as possible. Not only that, you can keep track of your devices and your loved ones to ensure their

Best Medical Alert For Mom
One of the best gifts you could give mom for Mother’s Day is one that could save her life. Many of us have strong bonds with our mother and as we grow older, parents

Seniors Going Organic: Is it Worth the Cost?
Organically grown fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats are costlier than commercially produced foods, and are widely believed to be healthier for the body. Many seniors watch what they eat, and buy organic, but are

The Secret to Avoiding Falls
Falls are a leading cause of injury and death for senior citizens, and the risk increases with age. According to the National Council on Aging: An older adult is treated is an emergency room

How to Make Retirement the Best Time of Life
Retirement doesn’t mean that your active years are over. On the contrary, many Baby Boomers retiring today plan to make their sunset years the best years of their lives. And why not? With newfound

Aging Gracefully? How About Actively!
What, exactly, does aging gracefully even mean? For many years, the phrase was a less harsh statement about getting older, looking older, yet to some degree still “hanging in there.” Not very encouraging or

Modern Senior Care Strategies from Denmark: Should We Change Our Approach?
Denmark has been receiving attention for its national policy of moving away from providing nursing homes for its aging population and instead putting their energies into creating a system that helps the elderly remain

Living Independently is a Big Deal
Joe and Ethel are both in their mid 70s. They still live in their own home and mutually take care of it. They also shop for groceries, cook, occasionally go out with friends, and

Senior Care Strategies Around the World
In many other countries around the world, it’s been tradition that elders often lived with their adult children and grandchildren. This is especially true in countries such as Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and even

Seniors Take on Responsible Roles
Even though Joe is 68 years old, he still mows his own lawn, cooks for himself and his wife Millie, while Millie does laundry, light cleaning and grocery shopping. And they wouldn’t have it