Mobile Medical Alert Systems Archive

How to Make Retirement the Best Time of Life
Retirement doesn’t mean that your active years are over. On the contrary, many Baby Boomers retiring today plan to make their sunset years the best years of their lives. And why not? With newfound

Baby Boomers: A Fun, Active Retirement
Baby Boomers are retiring at the rate of approximately 10,000 per day. By the year 2030, nearly 73 million Americans age 65 and older will make up more than 20% of the U.S. population.

Getting the Most Out of Your Retirement
Retiring baby boomers are one of the fastest growing segments of the society, and are different from the retirees of the past. Rather than choosing to spend the “golden years” puttering, modern seniors are

Age is a State of Mind, Right?
Mavis, a widow, had been anticipating her retirement from her corporate job for a few years, and now it was going to happen in a week. She had many plans that included travel, exercise

Retirement? Bring It On.
You may have heard of the “way it’s supposed to be,” i.e. you’re born, you grow up, you work, raise a family, retire, then die. If that’s the way you are thinking, then you

Modern Senior Care Strategies from Denmark: Should We Change Our Approach?
Denmark has been receiving attention for its national policy of moving away from providing nursing homes for its aging population and instead putting their energies into creating a system that helps the elderly remain

Senior Care Strategies Around the World
In many other countries around the world, it’s been tradition that elders often lived with their adult children and grandchildren. This is especially true in countries such as Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam and even

Retirement: Make the Transition Healthy
Are you 65 years old or older? If so, you probably know that your body does not perform as well in general as it did when you were younger. Yet for seniors, staying active

Action and Engagement Brings Better Health for Seniors
In his retirement, Jack had allowed himself to slow down, maybe too much. His health was starting to slide, he lost track of friends, and he was depressed. He knew he needed to get

Remote Monitoring for Senior Health
Joe lives alone. He’s 72 years old and a widow. Retired, he spends as much time in the garden as possible. He also enjoys cooking, visiting with neighbors, and seeing his grandchildren when they