Medical Alert Systems Archive

Texas Medical Alert
The senior population of Texas is growing rapidly, with a 30% increase since 2000. Because of this, the state’s Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) may not be able to provide the services

California Medical Alert
More seniors live in California than in any other state in the nation. By last count it was 4.4 million people over the age of 65 — 10% of the state’s entire population. While

New York Medical Alert
New York has one of the largest senior populations in the United States, which presents a problem for state officials as well as seniors. There is a great demand for senior services, and there

Personal Alarm Systems for Seniors
For decades now people have relied on personal alarm systems to keep them safe and to give them the peace of mind that if something does happen, they are not really alone. But there

Choosing Right Medical Alert System for You
So you have finally come around to the fact that having a medical alert system is as much a necessity as it is a luxury. Once you begin shopping, you might be overwhelmed by

Senior Medical Alarms
While we all know that getting older is simply a fact of life, it is not a fact that getting older means living in fear that something will go wrong and no one will

Emergency Help for Seniors
Of the many great things about our country, one of them is that emergency help is always available. All you have to do is pick up the phone and dial three numbers. Seniors are

Issues with Medical Alert Systems for Seniors
Medical alert systems for seniors can literally be a lifesaver in the event of a medical or other kind of emergency. But just like any product, they are not perfect. There are some issues

History of Medical Alert Systems
Burglar alarms have been around pretty much since the dawn of time — dogs were used to protect households, barking when an intruder was near. Obviously technology has gotten better since those days. And

Medical Alert Systems for Seniors
Most medical experts and advocates for the elderly agree that medical alert systems for seniors should be part of the plan for a long, healthy and independent life for those over the age of