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Medical Alert Systems > North Dakota Medical Alert Systems and Senior Resources in North Dakota

Nearly 100,000 people over the age of 65 live in North Dakota. That number has gone up only 4% since 2000, one of the smallest increases in the nation. As such, the state does not appear to be dedicating many resources to the older population. But that does not mean seniors are being ignored. The North Dakota Department of Human Services Aging Services Division does offer some services for seniors, most of them mandated and paid for by the federal government.

-- A Family Caregiver Support Program: Support and assistance for people caring for seniors as well as for seniors who are caring for their grandchildren.
-- Expanded Service Payments for the Elderly & Disabled Program: Pays for in-home and community-based services for seniors who would otherwise receive care in a licensed facility.
-- Long-Term Care Ombudsman: Advocating for the rights of residents of long-term care facilities.
-- Medicaid Waiver: Allowing the state to use funds to pay for services designed to allow people to remain in their own homes.
-- Older Americans Act Services: Services include home-delivered meals, transportation and other services to keep people in their own homes and out of nursing homes.
-- Vulnerable Adult Protective Services: A system to report and investigate allegations to abuse, neglect or exploitation of a senior.

North Dakota does not offer the service, but it is advisable for every senior to at least consider getting a medical alert system. Such as a system can literally be a lifesaver in the event of a medical emergency.

Let’s say you live alone and you fall down and just cannot get up to reach a phone and call for help. We do not have to tell you how that scenario would play out. With a medical alert system, all you have to do is press the alert button around your neck or on your wrist and help will be at your doorstep within minutes.

With seniors so much more active these days, there are also systems that you can take with you. About the size of a deck of cards, the mobile unit is packed with GPS and cellular service that can pinpoint your location and send help right to you if necessary.

Every medical alert company is national, meaning they operate in all 50 states, including North Dakota. To compare the offerings from more than a dozen top companies, click on this link.

North Dakota is one of a handful of states that does not have regional Area Agencies on Aging offices to distribute services to seniors. To find out what programs are available for you, contact the Aging Services Division directly at 701-328-4601.

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